Recently on 3rd April 2021 Sukma-Bijapur attack was an ambush carried out by the Naxalite-Maoits insurgents from the Communist party of india against Indian security forces on 3 April 2021 at Sukma-Bijapur border near Jonaguda village which falls under Jagargunda police station area Sukma district of Chattisgarh , leading to the killing of 22 security personnel and 9 Naxalites . The death toll was the worst for Indian security forces fighting the Naxalites since 2017. Now Let Us Understand What Naxalism Is. The term Naxalism derives its name from the village Naxalbari of West Bengal. ORIGIN : While the origins of Naxalism in India go back to the Telangana peasant rebellion (1946-51), the movement was at its peak in 1967, when the peasants, landless laborers, and Adivasis raided the granaries of a landlord in the Naxalbari village in West Bengal. This rebellion was suppressed by the police force...
Meaning of Privatisation It means a transfer of ownership, management, and control of public sector enterprises to the private sector. As the definition of privatization is so very diverse let us take a look at the three main features of privatization. Ownership Measures : The ownership of all public enterprises ultimately shifts to private owners. The denationalization can be complete or partial. Organizational Measures : This is where we limit the control of the state in public companies. Some methods include holding company structuring, leasing. restructuring of the enterprises etc. Operational Measures : Public organizations and companies were running into huge losses. So the efficiency of these companies was to be increased. PUSH OF PRIVATISATION IN ANNUAL BUDGET 2020-21: The government will maintain a bare minimum presence in only four strategic sectors, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said i...